Monday, April 13, 2009
Heavenly Father wants you to recognize that you made a mistake, (temporal focus) turn from that mistake and come unto Him. (spiritual focus) He wants you to recognize that the bad feelings you have are the result of making a mistake and going into spiritual darkness. THe solution is for one to repent & come into the light, where one can receive the gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy, & help.
How does one create worldly sorrow? By focusing on the mistake and feeling about it. (a temporal focus)
How does one create Godly sorrow? By repenting, which requires one to leave the mistake & turn unto God in the spiritual world. And by experiencing the power of the atonement, along with the mental & spiritual anguish for which the Savior went through to pay for the mistakes.
Worldy sorrow keeps one in spiritual darkness. By focusing on the mistake or sin, one will feel bad about the mistake, and then condemn himself for making the mistake. The prices one pays for staying in spiritual darkness are: *feeling worthless, *feeling like junk, *feeling guilty, *feelings of hopelessness, *not feeling like praying, going to church or reading the scriptures, *a need to have others make them feel of worth or value, *a need to avoid all light & truth, * and finally, a need to be left alone, where Satan's influence can be fully acceptable.
Godly sorrow comes from leaving the mistake & coming unto the spiritual world for help, relief & forgiveness. Repentance means to turn back to God & live. (Ezekiel 18:30-31) That is, one needs to recognize he is in spiritual darkness, then take the responsibility to get back into the light. Ask Heavenly Father for help, for forgiveness and for the strength to get back into the light & stay there. One needs to feel some of the pain that the Savior went through to pay for this sin. And he needs to feel the Savior's great love for him personally & to know that this is why the Savior went through the Atonement, for this very sin, for him.
ALMA"S PROCESS to become one with Christ EXERCISING MY FAITH TO KNOW THE SEED IS GOOD Thought Pattern #10
a. For the next week, review this section on Godly Sorrow.
b. Review the life of the Savior & His purpose of coming to earth.
c. Experience emotionally some of what the Savior went through for you. The pain, the suffering & the love.
d. Understand vain regrets. Also how to feel good about your past sins.
THINK AS HE THINKS - Hold the truth in your mind by prayer, throughout the day
a. Focus on the atonement of Christ for each of the next seven days. Seek to increase your capacity for Godly sorrow. Godly Sorrow is a gift of the Spirit.
b. Think of your past sins. See & feel the sacrifice of the Savior paying for your them in full, so you can serve Him out of love. Your gift to the Master is to allow His atonement to pay for your sins in full. Vain regrets for past sins mean that the atonement of Christ is not sufficient to pay for your sins.
FEEL AS HE FEELS - Continue to pray about these truths until you receive a witness by the Spirit that each is good
a. "Father, help me this day to feel the power of the atonement. I am so grateful for what the Savior has gone through for me. So I may be free from my sins & walk in Thy path, and serve Thee. I fully trust in Thy gift unto me. Help me to feel this great love that Thou and the Savior have for me."
Sing throughout each day, "I stand all Amazed."
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
-Father, I have given the power Thou has given me to (whom or what), help me to take it back. In fact, help me take back the power or agency from all people. I will give no one the power to judge me or decide my value or worth. For that is my job to create high value and worth within my temple. Only Thou can judge me, and Thou always does that with love and through chosen servants.
-Father, my son is late. Help me to focus spiritually, so my faith will be sufficient to bring him home safety. I choose to stay up until he gets home. I choose to use this time to grow spiritually. I use this time to be steadfast in Christ. Help me Father to overcome this problem. Thou hast given me this stewardship & I desire to fulfill it because I love Thee. The tiredness I am feeling, the long hours I must wait, the unfairness of his lateness, I am willing to suffer for Thee.
NOTE: The parent who chooses to focus temporally, will worry. How? He will see the son being kidnapped, on drugs, in a car accident, picked up by the police, etc... By the time the son gets home, he is an emotional wreck, and who gets all the blame? The son, for making him worry (DISOWNING). By the way, disowning is very hard some people to give up because it makes them responsible for what they do, think, and feel. But the good news is that when one take this power of agency back, Heavenly Father can now expand that power of agency to overcome all things.
What the Prophets say;
"But where do we find hope in the midst of such turmoil and catastrophe? Quite simply, our hope for spiritual safety during these turbulent times is to turn our minds and our hearts to Jesus Christ...Faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for us to maintain a balanced perspective through times of trial and difficulty."
(M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, Nov 1992, pp. 32-33)
"After all, you have the right to make your own choices. That is correct. You have that right. It is your agency. The secret to solve problems in your life will be found in understanding and using the eternally beneficial interaction of your agency and His Truth... Simply state, one must use his energy to obey truth...Please understand that no one can change truth. Rationalization, overpowering self interest, akk of the arguments of men, anger, or self will cannot change truth. Satan knows that, so he tries to create an atmosphere where one unwittingly begins to feel that he can not only choose what to do, but can determine what is right to do. Satan strives to persuade us to live outside truth by rationalizing our actions as the right of choice. But our Heavenly Father defined truth and established what is right and wrong before the creation of this earth. He also fixed consequences of obedience and disobedience to those truths...Satan would try to persuade some to live without fixed standards in life so that decisions would be based on current circumstances, what appears convenient, or what provides the greatest personal return. In this way, Satan removes the power of truth from one's life so he can take that soul captive."
(Richard G. Scott, Nov 1992, pp. 60-62)
"We tend to think of agency as a personal matter. If we ask someone to define 'moral agency', the answer will probably be something like this; "Moral agency means I am free to make choices for myself." Often overlooked is the fact that choices have consequences; we forget also that agency offers the same privilege of choice to others. At times we will be affected adversely by the way other people choose to exercise their agency. Our Heavenly Father feels so strongly about protecting our agency that he allows his children to exercise it, either for good or evil...
We mortals have a limited view of life from the eternal perspective. But if we know and understand Heavenly Father's plan, we realize that dealing with adversity is one of the chief ways we are tested. Our faith in our Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is the source of inner strength. Through faith we find peace, comfort, and the courage to endure. As we trust in God and His plan for our happiness with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding, hope is born. Hope grows out of faith and gives meaning and purpose to all we do. It can give us comfort in the face of adversity, strength in times of trials, and peace when we have reason for doubt or anguish."
(M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, May 1995, pp. 23-24)
1. The power to choose
2. The power to act
3. The power to know good from evil, light from darkness
Therefore, man is free to become spiritually centered or temporally centered. One can overcome this world, master the body, and qualify for the riches of eternity. But there is one big problem. Satan. He fought agency in the pre-existence, and he is fighting it here. How does he do it?
One of the most effective ways to get each of us to give up this power of agency, is to DISOWN. Disowning is making something or someone else responsible for what I think, how I feel& what I do in the current moment of time. I use blaming or labeling to accomplish disownership.
1. Traffic makes me this mad.
2. My five children cause me to yell.
3. My parents did the same I do.
4. It's the IRS that makes me mad.
5. I do not feel accepted by the ward.
6. Food makes me do it.
7. I just cannot save money.
8. I will never make it to the Celestial Kingdom.
Why is disowning so popular? Because it allows the participant the opportunity to do nothing. His solution is to get others to change so he can feel better without any effort on his/her part. He has given his power of agency to others, to make him happy. The mother will say, "I will sure be glad when Mary gets her grades back up, then I won't have all this stress." She has given her daughter the power to produce stress in her temple. WHICH IS A LIE. The mother is using the daughter's poor performance to produce stress withing her temple, which is spiritual darkness. She does this by focusing on the daughter's poor performance, which is temporal.
-Father in Heaven, help me to feel my great worth this day. I know that it is my responsibility to value myself as Thou valuest me. I know that only I can determine what will become dominant within my temple. I know that as I hold the truth that I am Thy child, that I am born & reared in Thy courts of glory, with Thy help I can make these feelings dominant.
-I know that that Thou lovest me beyond any measure. It is y responsibility to feel Thy love for me, moment by moment, for Thou never stoppeth loving me. Thy love for me is not based upon what I do, what I say, what I think, or how I feel. It is perfect love. I accept full responsibility to feel my great worth & sustain very high self esteem within me.
-I know that I am born & reared in Thy courts of glory, by Thee 7 Heavenly Mother, that I am a noble, faithful spirit. I was faithful in the pre-existance & was given the right & privilege to come unto this earth life in this most glorious age in the history of man upon the earth. I was not sent to this earth to prove my worth, but to feel my great worth as Thy son.
-I know Thou art my Father. I know that Thou lovest me. I know that Thou & Heavenly Mother value me beyond any measure. I know that Thou hast given me my eternal intelligence spirit form, just as my earthly mother & father have given me a mortal body. I know that I am unique, one of a kind, made of eternal intelligence which gives me a claim upon eternal life.
-Help me Father to see myself & my family with my spiritual eyes, to see their greatness, to see their godliness, to see them in Thy presence. As I feel Thy perfect love for me, I will be able to feel Thy perfect love for them. As I treat myself with awe 7 respect, I will be able to treat my family with awe & respect.
-I see all others as great spiritual beings, born & reared in the courts of glory by Thee & Heavenly Mother. These feelings are sustained not by what they do, nor by what they say, nor by how they treat me, but by my knowledge & testimony of who they are & what they can become, if they so choose. I know that most people act contrary to their true identity, but I know who they are & what their destiny can be. I treat all people, including myself, as Thou wouldst have me do according to our true identity, and not how they treat themselves nor how they treat me.
A. Performance:
1. I feel of greater worth when I:
-lost weight, keep the commandments, my children do well, my marriage is going well.
2. I fee somewhat worthless when I:
-I gain weight, break the commandments, my children get kicked out of school, or when my marriage is not doing well.
B. Possessions:
1. I feel of greater worth when my:
-Home & car is as good as my friends, my bills are being paid, my clothes are as nice if not better than others.
2. I feel of lesser value when my:
-Friends can pay their bills & live in a much better home, my car keeps breaking down, and my clothes are always the same.
C. Opinions:
1. I feel I have greater worth when:
-Others praise me, recognize what I do, like my new outfit, accept me just the way I am, appreciate the effort I am making.
2. I feels of lesser value when:
-No one recognizes what I do, as if I do not count nor exist. No one accepts my opinions, and everyone wants me to be different.
D. Honors:
1. I feel of greater worth when:
-I am called into leadership positions, I finish my degree(s) & people look up to my job.
2. I feel of lesser value because:
-I never finish my degree. They keep diving the ward, and I am never called to leadership positions. My occupation is not respected.
-I can hear the voice of the Lord saying unto me in that day; "Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth.
-Help me Father, to feel Thy Spirit this day, so I can know that I am clean & forgiven. That I am still numbered among the righteous. That if I should die this day, I will be invited into Paradise, or lifted up if the Savior should come. Help me to focus spiritually 7 serve Thee in all things this day.
-(Today is Sunday) Father, as I listen to the teachers, the speakers, the Bishop, and other friends, may I be taught by Thee. Help me to hear their words through Thy Spirit, so I may know what Thou would have me learn & do.
-Father, I am grateful to know that I am Thy son. That if I am true & faithful to my covenants this day, that I have the absolute guarantee of eternal life. That the gifts of Paradise, receiving a Celestial body, being lifted up, being with the Savior during the Millennium, receiving the gift of perfection, invited into exaltation & becoming joint heirs with Christ, are mine because of Him who gave His life for me. I thank Thee.
-Father, I do not feel Thy Spirit in great abundance this day, but I know when I am walking in light & truth. Help me keep Thy truths alive within me throughout this day. I know the angels are watching over me, and Thou art near. I know Thou lovest me & want me to stay spiritually focused throughout this day. For Thee I will be steadfast.
"No one of us can survive in the world today, much less what it soon will become without personal inspiration...While we may not see an immediate miraculous transformation, as surely as the Lord lives, a quiet one will take place. The spiritual power in the lives of each member and in the Church will increase. We will be less troubled, less confused. We will find revealed answers to personal & family problems, without all the counseling whilc we now seem to need."
(Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, Nov. 91, page 23)
The Steps to Implementation:
1. Read & study the thought pattern. Seek divine understanding. (The Holy Ghost is the one we rely upon to teach us all truths and to confirm all truth.) Add or modify the thought pattern to match the Savior's as directed by the Spirit.
2. Decide which principle you want to get rooted within you.
3. Then exercise faith in the principle by praying about it throughout the day. (Always pray about the principle-do not just repeat the thought pattern over and over. Prayer invites the Powers of Heaven to help-repeated affirmations leaves us on our own.)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Q and A
1. I came here to: a) gain a physical body, and b) to determine the kingdom where I will spend eternity.
2. I have decided to work towards exaltation and Eternal Life. (The highest degree in the Celestial Kingdom.)
3. What is required for me to qualify for the Celestial Kingdom?
a. I must enter the strait & narrow path.
b. This requires me to have faith in Jesus Christ, repent of my sins, be baptized by one having that authority, and receiving the gift & companionship of the Holy Ghost. ( Nephi 31:17-18)
4. Once I am in the strait & narrow path, what must I do each day? (2 Nephi 31:30)
a. Press forward (progress spiritually in the path)
b. With a steadfastness in Christ (becoming one with Christ)
c. Having a perfect brightness of hope (to be raised up unto life eternal (Moroni 7:41)
d. And a love of God and all men.
e. Feasting upon the words of Christ (scriptures & the living prophets)
f. And endure to the end (of this mortal life)
B. Where did I come from?
I lived with my Heavenly Father before I came to this earth. Therefore, I am a son of God, born & reared in the courts of glory by Heavenly Parents. I left this heavenly place to come to this earth to:
a. Receive a body.
b. Master the body.
c. Overcome the world.
d. And qualify for the riches of eternity.
C. Where am I going?
Since I have decided to qualify for the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, I am seeking to go into Paradise, (or be lifted up when the Savior comes), receive a celestial body, be invited to work with the Savior during the Millennium, receive the gift of perfection, and be invited to pass by the angels and Gods to be received into the presence & glory of my Heavenly Father-to be joint heirs with Christ.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
(Matthew 7:3-5)
Before I choose to work on helping someone else change their behavior, I must first become spiritually centered. That is, I will work on getting the beam out of my own eye, and focus my eye of faith from the disturbing behavior of others to the spiritual world. This beam (Stupid drivers, child getting kicked out of school, or what my parents did) keeps me from walking in truth & light. It keeps me temporally focused, and closes off the powers of heaven from helping me use the problems of the day for spiritual growth & development.
The first major step to take the power of agency back has begun, once I recognize that I have a problem, whenever someone does a dumb behavior (i.e., drivers who do not signal, son who cheats in school, parents who didn't express feelings of love, etc.). Because of this recognition, I am now free to turn unto Heavenly Father for help. And since all solutions to all problems come through Him, I am now on the road to overcoming.
The second major step is to stay spiritually focused, until I have the spirit, peace, the hope, and the feelings of God's love filling my temple. Now the beam has been removed, the powers of heaven are available, and everything I do to help another with his or her 'mote' will be done while walking in light & truth. If the other person never changes, it is ok, I have been well paid for the time and effort that was required for me to take control of my temple and remove the 'beam' from my inner world. All of which qualifies me for the riches of eternity, i.e., to be lifted up when the Savior comes, or to be invited into paradise, and to receive a celestial body, and gain the gift of Eternal life. Now I am using the events and problems of life for expanding my power of agency.
"And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever..."
(2 Nephi 2:26)
B. What do you mean, I am free? (2 Nephi 2:26-29)
1. I am free because I know the difference between good & evil.
2. I am free to choose (what I will think, feel & do) (LIBERTY or CAPTIVITY)
3. I a free to act for myself not to be acted upon.
4. I am free to follow the 'will of the flesh' or the 'will of the Spirit.'
5. I am free to enjoy the day and make it worthwhile.
"And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free." (Helaman 14:30)
"For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward. Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; for THE POWER IS IN THEM, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward."
(D & C 58:26-28)
C. Jesus said, "THE POWER IS IN THEM.
If one adds the power of the Holy Ghost to his power of agency, he becomes a temple president that is in charge of what he sees, thinks, feels & does.
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." (I Corinthians 3:16-17)
D. How do I give my power of agency away?
By giving others (the temporal world) the responsibility for your happiness.
You mean to tell me that I am responsible for my happiness, and not others? This is scary! I am not sure I want all that responsibility. I am not sure I can handle it!
You are correct, it is scary, if you take on this responsibility alone. But if you invite Heavenly Father, the Savior, and the Holy Ghost to assist you, it becomes enjoyable and exciting. It never was Heavenly Father's intention to send us all here to earth without providing the assistance we needed to endure and overcome this world. However, the heavens will not interfere with our sacred "power of agency" and therefore, the heavens must wait for our invitation. This applies to the Godhead, the angels, and our loved ones who have passed on.
The school principle calls and informs this particular parent that their son has been kicked out of school for cheating. The parent will have to come down to the school before he can be readmitted. After the parent hangs up the phone, they observed how the felt. They felt unhappy, hurt, and disappointed. Why? The parent says, "because of what the son had done." And as the hours went by, the parents did not feel any better.
TO WHOM has the parent given their "power of agency?" (the principal & their son)
Observe how the parents argue so they can keep giving their "power of agency" away.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN my unhappiness does not come from what my son did?" You are nuts! I did not cause this to happen. I have to suffer embarrassment. I have to go to school and meet with the principle. I have to try to get my son to change his ways. I do not deserve this. I do not have time nor the energy to handle this problem on top of everything else. Wait until he comes home, boy is he going to get it!"
ANOTHER EXAMPLE of a temporal focus would be as follow:
"I guess it is my fault. If I were a better mother, and if his father would have spent more time with him, this probably would not have happened. I guess we need to take some of the blame. I know he is hurt and embarrassed. I better give him some time before I tell his father, and all hell breaks loose!"
"Thank you Father, for this opportunity for me to grow spiritually. Thou knowest this is hard for me, but I am thankful for the opportunity to serve Thee. Tim has made a serious mistake and needs Thy help. Help me to draw closer unto Thee, so I can be an instrument in Thy hands. Help me, to help him work this through, to repent, and learn from this mistake. Help me to stay spiritually focused and not waiver, so I can be a light unto him. Help me to overcome my embarrassment, and my negative feelings, so Thy love can fill my soul, and so I can be at peace, and feel good about all that I will soon go through for Thee & Tim. I recognize that I have been given this stewardship assignment. Help me to be steadfast in Christ."
The above are examples of THREE DIFFERENT WAS OF SELF COUNSELING FROM THE VERY SAME EVENT. What will be the result for the parents, and the son from the different paradigms used for self counseling? Which parents will grow spiritually from the event? Which parents will be of most help and assistance for the son? Which parents will take charge of their temple the quickest? Which parents have maximized the power to act.
The first two self counseling sessions come from a temporal focus. The third comes from a person who is seeing with her spiritual eyes. All three sets of parents will feel the pain, the embarrassment, and the sadness which comes from the event. But each will determine the end result for these emotions, by what they tell themselves about the event, and how they choose to see it. Jesus counseled:
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
(Mathew 11:28)
The last parent have empowered the spiritual world to help them determine their happiness. They are using their son's poor performance (behavior) to grow spiritually and to draw closer to their Heavenly Father. Their joy & happiness comes from serving Heavenly Father & feeling the Spirit. They are in charge of their happiness. They did not empower their son's performance nor the Principal's attitude to determine what they were going to think, feel & do.
In this next example, observe how one uses their self counseling to give his "power of agency" away.
"These stupid drivers, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be so upset. They drive too close. They do not even signal! And they drive over the speed limit and recklessly. It just infuriates me to no end!"
This person has given his agency away to other drivers. What each driver does determines what happens inside his temple. He lets the drivers behavior determine if he will do an upset or a steadfastness in Christ.
It creates the feeling that I am not responsible for what is happening to me, therefore, I do not have to do anything. The solution, the effort, and the repentance must all come from someone else. I am free from any responsibility to solve this problem.
King Benjamin recommends the following:
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength." (Mosiah 4:27) (D & C 10:4)
Nephi says,
"...for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."
(2 Nephi 32:3)
-Read the scriptures and list all the things you should do to reach exaltation. Focus on this list and you will be able to do an overwhelm.
Then Nephi give us the solution:
"For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do." (2 Nephi 32:5)
The only way to enjoy the day and make it worthwhile is to select what you will do during the day by the Spirit. And then do each activity out of the love you have for Heavenly Father & the Savior.
Therefore, review the following principles from the first 6 thought patterns of Christ:
1. The three worlds (temporal, spiritual and inner-world)
2. How to change and improve thought patterns (See, think, feel & do)
3. The Six thought patterns of Christ
a. Self worth and high feelings of worth the Saviors way
b. Performance used for spiritual growth
c. Seeing all things spiritually
d. Using enticements to focus spiritually
e. Learning how to rejoice in your adversities
Seek Heavenly Father's help in selecting what would be the best for your spiritual growth today. For example, you may feel impressed to separate your worth from your performance. You may feel impressed to work on that for the next three months. The other thought patterns can wait until another day. This way, one will enjoy the journey and not do an overwhelm. For one is now focusing on their spiritual progression and not on the temporal "to do" list.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
ALMA"S PROCESS to become one with Christ EXERCISING MY FAITH TO KNOW THE SEED IS GOOD Thought Pattern #6
a. For the next week, review this section on: "How to be thankful in your adversities." it is important to have some experience with seeing all things spiritually (thought pattern #4) and some experience using enticements for spiritual growth (thought pattern #5), before working on this thought pattern.
b. Understanding the importance of being thankful for ALL things.
THINK AS HE THINKS - Hold the truth in your mind, by prayer, throughout the day.
a. Several times a day, talk with Heavenly Father about the purpose of adversities and how you will be steadfast by keeping a spiritual focus. If you do not have any adversities to work on, then keep working on using enticements to practice remaining steadfast in Christ. The adversary will come, and when it comes, you will be well prepared to remain steadfast in Christ.
b. Practice being thankful with each enticement. Feel the difference of how being thankful keeps the shield of faith up.
FEEL AS HE FEELS - Continue to pray about these truths until you receive a witness by the spirit that each is good.
a. Seek to feel the Spirit confirm this truth of the purpose of adversities and experience the power of Christ being released on your behalf.
b. Transferring the pain, sorrow, and suffering to the spiritual world takes faith in Christ. It takes patience, diligence, long suffering before you will receive the fruit you desire. (Alma 32:43).
Doing all these faith exercises out of the love you have for the Heavenly Father & the Savior makes it easier, and gives you increased strength to continue. Experience the joy of being thankful in all things.
1. By thanking Heavenly Father for the adversity, we become spiritually focused.
2. By focusing spiritually, we can receive the spiritual strength to overcome (transcend) the adversity.
3. As we remain steadfast during the adversity, we release the powers of heaven by which miracles occur.
Elder M. Russell Ballard in October 1992, General Conference said:
"Of course, that does not necessarily mean that we will be spared personal suffering and heartache. Righteousness has never precluded adversity. But faith in the Lord Jesus Christ--real faith, whole souled and unshakable--is a power to be reckoned with in the universe. It can be a causative force through which miracles are wrought. Or it can be a source of inner strength, through which we find peace, comfort, and the courage to cope." (Ensign, Nov. 1992, pp.32-33)
In 1914 the First Presidency taught the same principle:
"...God, doubtless, could avert war, prevent crime, destroy poverty, chase away darkness, overcome error, and make all things bright, beautiful, and joyful. But this would involve the destruction of a vital and fundamental attribute in man, the right of agency. It is for the benefit of His sons and daughters that they become acquainted with evil as well as good, with darkness, as well as light, with error as well as truth, and with the results of the infraction of eternal laws. Therefore, He has permitted the evils, which have been brought about by the acts of His creatures, but will control their ultimate results for His own glory and the progress and exaltation of his sons and daughters when they have learned obedience by the things they suffer. The contrasts experienced in this world of mingled sorrow and joy are educational in their nature and will be the means to raising humanity to a full appreciation of all that is right and true and good. The foreknowledge of God does not imply His action in bringing about that which he foresees, nor makes Him responsible in any degree for that which man does or refuses to do." (Christmas newsletter, the First Presidency, Deseret News, Dec 19, 1914)
Elder Russell M. Nelson Testified:
"Committed children of the covenant remain steadfast, even in the midst of adversity. We shall be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son." (Ensign, May 1995, p. 34)
Apostle Paul lived and taught the same principles about adversity, and he was able to use all his adversities to grow spiritually. How serious were his adversities?
a. Five times received 39 stripes (40 stripes meant death)
b. Beaten with rods, 3 times
c. Once was stoned
d. Three times suffered shipwreck (a day and a night he was in the sea)
e. In his various travels he was in perils of: robbers, heathens, in wilderness, the sea, among false brethren, in weariness and painfulness, in hunger and thirst often, in fasting often, in cold and nakedness.
f. Besides all this he had the daily cares of all the churches.
(2 Corinthians 11:24-28)
How did Paul describe these adversities?
"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)
Paul even asked the Lord three times to remove the thorn in his side, but he was turned down. The answer he received from the Lord was,
"My grace is sufficient for thee."
Then Paul makes this impressive statement about the purpose of adversities in his spiritual growth and development:
"...for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the POWER OF CHRIST may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Keep in mind the reality of the pain & suffering one goes through in adversity. It hurts, it can be extremely painful, it is not fair, and it seems like it will never end. One of the benefits of going to the spiritual world for help & the strength to endure and overcome the adversity, is the transferring of this pain & suffering to the spiritual world. By thanking Heavenly Father for the adversity this will change our focus from the temporal to the spiritual. With a spiritual focus, the Lord will ask if we are willing to go through this for Him. As we think of what the Savior went through for our sins, it helps us to be willing to go through it for Him. As we endure the pain & suffering for Him, we are transferring the pain to the spiritual world where the powers of heaven will help us to endure and overcome. The heavens are rejoicing because they know that our spiritual steadfastness will release the powers of heaven to bless us, to sustain us, and to make this journey worthwhile. In this process we become spiritually stronger. We feel the powers of heaven in greater abundance, which causes us to rejoice, as it did Apostle Paul.
As one takes this sorrow unto the spiritual world, and is willing to go through it out of the love he feels for the Savior and Heavenly Father, the healing begins. These deep feelings of sorrow or pain expand one's capacity to feel the perfect love that Heavenly Father has for him. This process is evident in the lives of many of the past prophets such as; Paul, Peter & Moses. It was evident in the life of President Spencer W. Kimball and Howard W. Hunter. Each suffered much, but thanked Heavenly Father for the experience of drawing closer to Him and becoming more dependant upon Him.
Brother George Q Cannon testifies of this process:
"We of all people should be happy and joyful. When the clouds seem the darkest and most threatening, and as though the storm is ready to burst upon us with all its fury, we should be calm, serene and undisturbed, for if we have the faith we profess to have, we know that God is in the storm, in the cloud, or in the threatened danger, and that he will not let it come upon us only as far as it is necessary for our good and for our salvation; and we should, even then, be calm and rejoice before God and praise Him..." (JD, 15:375)
1. The adversity helps me to grow stronger in my dependency upon God. (humility)
2. It helped me to grow firmer in my faith in Christ.
3. I was able to progress on becoming sanctified by yielding my heart unto God and not on the adversity.
4. I was prepared to use any other adversity that might occur that day for continued spiritual growth and development.
5. I was able to find worthwhileness in my adversity, to rejoice, and to experience the peace the gospel promises. (D & C 59:23)
THOUGHT PATTERN #4 - Seeing all things Spiritually
I now count every day unto the Lord, that is, I use each day and the activities of the day therein to become one with Christ. I see all of my activities as stewardships in which I carry them out for Heavenly Father. This helps me to use all my roles, goals & activities for spiritual growth. It makes no difference if I serve Heavenly Father this day in my profession, or with my wife, or with my children or all three. As long as I seek spiritual input to help me select stewardship priorities for the day and then carry each one out for Heavenly Father. it is all the same.
This thought pattern has taught me that my priorities in this life are to develop:
1. A perfect brightness of hope for me to be raised unto eternal life.
2. A steadfastness in Christ (to see, think, feel & do as He does)
3. and to love God & all men with the pure love of Christ.
I discovered that through stewardships I am able to develop all three of these priorities. In fact, this life has been designed perfectly with all the conditions necessary for me to develop these God like attributes.
THOUGHT PATTERN #5 - Using Enticements for Spiritual Growth
I am now learning how to see all things spiritually, while doing all things for Heavenly Father. I have found that spiritual strength that comes from all enticements. I now see them as opportunities to get me to choose between a temporal focus or a spiritual focus. Since I am practicing using enticements for a spiritual focus, I am enjoying each day more because I can see how the enticements are helping me to draw closer unto my Father in Heaven.
THOUGHT PATTERN #6 - How to be Thankful in my Adversities
This thought pattern is critical in helping me to always make the day worthwhile. If I am learning to see more and more things spiritually, and I have experienced the power from using enticements for spiritual growth, then I am ready to learn how to be thankful even in my adversities.
Our goal is to become steadfast in Christ. This is to see, think, feel & do what Christ would do in the same situation.
What some of the prophets have said concerning being thankful in all things.
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations." (James 1:2)
"Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks waiting patiently on the Lord...and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name’s glory, saith the Lord."
(D & C 98:1-3)
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more." (D & C 78:19)
"Therefore, let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly, and to the sanctification of the church." (D & C 100:15)
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)
"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
"If thou art sorrowful, call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be joyful... My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom. Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself and calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that he may hear; For my Spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble and contrite..."
(D & C 136:29-33)
"Nevertheless, Jacob, my first-born in the wilderness, thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain." (2 Nephi 2:2)
"If thou art called to pass through tribulation...know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." (D & C 122:5-7)
"For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand." (D & C 58:2-4)
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?...For I am persuaded, that...(nothing) shall be able to separate us from the love of God..." (Romans 8:35-39)
Brigham Young counseled: "By the natural mind we cannot see and understand the things of God, therefore we must then seek unto the Lord, and get His Spirit and the light thereof, to understand His will. And when He is calling us to pass through that which we call afflictions, trials, temptations & difficulties, did we possess the light of the Spirit, we would consider this the greatest blessing that could be bestowed upon us." (JD, p. 303)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
"I grant you that the righteous dead will be at peace, but I tell you that when we go out of this life, leave this body, we will yearn to do a thousand things that we cannot do at all without the body, and how handicapped we will be, and realize then like a man who has suddenly lost both arms and his legs. We will be seriously handicapped, and we will long for the body; we will crave it; we will pray for that early reunion with our bodies. We will know then what advantage it was to have a body. Then, every man and woman who is putting off until the next life the task of correcting and overcoming the weakness of the flesh are sentencing themselves to that man years of bondage, for no man or woman will come forth in the resurrection until they have completed their work, until they have overcome, until they have corrected, until they have done as much as they can do. That is why Jesus said in the resurrection there is neither marriage or giving in marriage, for all such contracts agreements will be provided for those who are worthy of it before men and women come forth in the resurrection of the Lord, and those who are complying in this life with these conditions are shortening their sentences, for every one of us will have a matter of years in that spirit state to complete and finish their salvation. And some may attain, by reason of their righteousness in this life, the right to do post-graduate work, to be admitted into the Celestial Kingdom, but others will lose absolutely the right to that glory, all they can do will not avail after death to bring them into the Celestial Kingdom.
The point I have in mind is that we are sentencing ourselves to long periods of bond- age, separating our spirits from our bodies, or we are shortening that period, according to the way in which we overcome and master ourselves." (Sermons and Missionary Services of Melvin J. Ballard, Bryant S. Hinckley. pp. 241-242)
"A man may receive the priesthood and all its privileges and blessings, but until he learns to overcome the flesh, his temper, his tongue, his disposition to indulge in the things God has forbidden, he cannot come into the Celestial Kingdom of God until he overcomes either in this life or in the life to come."
" is my judgment that any man or woman can do more to conform to the laws of God in one year in this life than they could in ten years when they are dead." (Ibid pp. 240-241)
" It is true that some have greater power of resistance than others, but everyone has the power to close his heart against doubt, against darkness, against unbelief, against anger, against hatred, against jealousy, against malice, against envy. God has given this power by calling upon Him for that which we lack. If it were not so, how could we be condemned for giving way to wrong influences?" (George Q Cannon, Gospel Truth. pp. 19-20)
Each person only has so much energy in any given day to use. This energy varies from day to day and from individual to individual. This energy for life comes from Heavenly Father through the light of Christ.
"...This is the light of Christ. As also he is the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made."
"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understanding;
Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space---
The light which is in all things, WHICH GIVETH LIFE TO ALL THINGS, which is the law by which all things are governed..." (D & C 88:7, 11-13).
1. To grow spiritually and become like Heavenly Father?
2. To develop the mind of Christ?
3. To think, feel, act, and vote as they He would?
4. To develop the capacity to love God, self and others with God's perfect love?
Do you use your life's energy to obtain possessions? To raise a family? To relate to your spouse? To increase your happiness in the home? To build a business or ear a living? To obtain knowledge? To get your "to do" list done? To exercise, eat, sleep or watch TV?
Our life's energy is like money. We only have so much of it, but we can decide ahead of time where we want to spend it. That is, one can decide ahead of time how and what he will do with this energy. He can focus it on one item or he can choose to use it on several items throughout any given day. He can also let the demands of this temporal world decide what he will use hi life's energy on. One can decide to sit and do nothing, mentally or physically, but when one does, the energy is still used up. One's life energy cannot be saved or accumulated. Each new day we receive so much energy to use as we see fit.
Our objective here in this life is to find out how the Savior recommends we use our life's energy to bring peace to us in this life and use it to qualify for Eternal Life in the next life.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching hereunto with all perseverance & supplication for all saints."
2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every height thing that exalteth itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of CHRIST"
Romans 14:5-8
"One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it."
D & C 27:15
"Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armour, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand."
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Wherefore, the Lord gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other." (2 Nephi 2:16)
1. Food
2. Drivers in traffic
3. Fighting children
4. Swearing at work
5. Telephone
6. Neighbors
7. TV
8. Internet
9. World news
10. Bills
11. Health problems
12. Politics
13. Chocolate
Each of us have the choice to either focus on the enticement and let it consume our thoughts & feelings. Or we can use the enticement to remind us to seek spiritual help. What would happen if we decided to use all our enticements to remind ourselves to focus spiritually? We would find it easier to pray always.
Why are we upon this earth?
-To overcome this world. To master our body, to become steadfast in Christ. To grow spiritually until we overcome all things. To prove to God that we will "submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon us." (Mosiah 3:19)
How can we master the body, overcome the world, and become one with Christ without focusing our minds & hearts spiritually? Enticements are provided in this world to help us choose between focusing spiritually or temporally. A temporal focus is easy. It takes no effort to let the enticements of this world take control of your thoughts & feelings, and the results are not good. A temporal focus puts us in a position of being tossed to & fro in this world.
It does take effort to focus our thoughts & feelings unto the spiritual world. As we change our paradigm, which matches the Saviors, we are able to use the enticements of this world as stepping stones for our spiritual growth. Let us assume that we now believe, and the Spirit has now confirmed that the purpose of the day is for us to:
1. Increase our hope to be raised unto eternal life
2. practice exercising our faith in Jesus Christ, and
3. Seeking to love God and all men.
Therefore, the first thing in the morning, before getting into the days activities, I pray, read from the Book of Mormon, and seek a confirmation that I am in the straight & narrow path. Next, I ask Heavenly Father to help me use the enticements of the day to draw closer to Him. Then I prepare my mind & heart to handle at least 20 enticements throughout the day for Him.
While driving to work, someone pulls out in front of me causing me to slow down very quickly (an enticement). I immediately thank Heavenly Father for protecting me, and for the opportunity to practice transcending the temporal enticements and come unto Him. I feel the Spirit come upon me and then I rejoice that I was counted worthy to receive. Throughout the day, I had 15 to 16 enticements, all of which helped me to draw closer to my Father in Heaven. I now understand how to use the enticements of this world to help me ENJOY THE DAY, and make it worthwhile.
The Prophet Ether received instructions from the Lord on how to overcome weaknesses.
" And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then I will make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)
Weaknesses are developed from a temporal focus. They become strength as we use them to refocus unto the spiritual world for help. For example, food can be a weakness. It can entice me several times a day. The world is set up perfectly to entice me to eat. The TV is constantly encouraging me to eat or drink something. There is a restaurant every where I look, telling me about their specials. People are inviting me out to eat. And my body loves to eat, even if I am not hungry.
I have two choices when it comes to this food weakness.
Choice #1 I can do whatever my body urges me to do, as it is enticed by food.
Choice #2 Or I can use the enticing of food to remind me to pray for help, as I learn to master this body.
The Savior recommends that I bring the weakness unto Him and He will make weak things become strong unto me. Therefore, I decided to get rooted the second thought pattern of Christ, which is developing high feelings of self worth the Saviors way. I now use the emotional enticements of food to remind me to pray & review with Heavenly Father how He feels about me, who I am and how He wants me to treat myself. Every time I am enticed, rather than struggling with food, I am now using the enticement to help me feel who I am, and how much Heavenly Father loves me. The Holy Ghost is confirming this truth and I am growing spiritually stronger. This weakness is helping me to become a stronger person.
The weakness is getting weaker, because I am no longer feeding the weakness. I am no longer letting the urges of my body tell me what to do, and I just obey. I am in charge of what I think, feel & do, not my body. The physical world has a lesser hold on me, because I am using the enticements of the physical world to become spiritually centered. My love for Heavenly Father and the Savior is increasing which gives me stronger emotions to overcome the emotional pull of the temporal world.
I am enjoying my days more because even my weaknesses are helping me to become spiritually stronger. I am able to use everything that happens to me each day for spiritual growth. And now that I am in charge of me, not my body, my body is getting the kind of foods that are healthy, which also reduces the addictions for certain foods.
ALMA"S PROCESS to become one with Christ EXERCISING MY FAITH TO KNOW THE SEED IS GOOD Thought Pattern #4
a. For the next week review this section on the purpose of seeing all things spiritually.
b. Decide what are the priorities of this life.
c. Decide to see all assignments as stewardships.
THINK AS HE THINKS - Hold the Truth in your Mind, by Prayer, throughout the day.
Prepare a principle to pray about for each of the week
i.e., Father, help me to see all things spiritually this day. Help me to see Thy purposes in all things that transpires and occurs in my life this day.
i.e., Father, help me to become steadfast in Christ. Help me to use the problems of this day for what they are designed; to draw closer to Thee and stay spiritually focused.
i.e., Help me father to carry out my stewardships for Thee this day.
FEEL AS HE FEELS - Continue to Pray about these Truths until you receive a witness by the Spirit that they are Good.
Over the next seven days seek to feel the Spirit confirm this truth about the importance of seeing all things spiritually, the truth of what the priorities of this life are and how stewardships can help facilitate my capacity to remain spiritually centered.
A. List all your stewardship assignments.
b. Each day, select those stewardships that you feel impressed to work on for the day.
c. Seek to carry each out for Heavenly Father out of love.
d. Record the benefits gained from this assignment.
Moroni 10:21 "And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither if ye have no hope."
2 Nephi: 19-21 Once you are in the Straight & Narrow Path, Nephi asks, "Is all done?" He answers, "No." Then in verse 20 he tells what we must do to inherit Eternal Life.
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
THE PRIORITIES ARE: Developing the capacity to:
1. Have a perfect brightness of hope to be raised up unto life eternal
2. Be steadfast in Christ (see, think, fee, & do as He does)
3. To love God and all men.
ALL STEWARDSHIPS ARE IMPORTANT because they are the very vehicle to develop the capacity to receive the gift of Charity. When my spouse doesn't give me the attention I desire, I seek for spiritual help to handle it and remove all negative feelings from my temple. Therefore, my stewardship with my spouse provides me the opportunity to draw closer to Heavenly Father so I can practice being steadfast in Christ, and develop my capacity to love my spouse regardless of how she treats me at any given moment.
When my pay is reduced at work, I am now able to refocus spiritually and gain the strength to transcend it, because I was able to see it clearly as an opportunity to practice being steadfast in Christ.
When I exercise this body, I see it as carrying out a stewardship assignment for Heavenly Father. Therefore, I pray before, during, and after the work out. The physical exercise is secondary to the spiritual exercise I receive by carrying out the stewardship assignment for Him whom I love. When I carry out the assignment for Heavenly Father I am also qualifying for the gifts of eternity. Because the most important purpose of the physical exercise is to expand my capacity to love Heavenly Father with all my heart & exercise faith in him.
1. Time 2. Spouse 3. Job
4. Talents 5. Children 6. Community
7. Assets 8. Parents
9. Bills 10. Neighbor
11. Body 12. Church Callings
Now that I have accepted these stewardships, I seek constant divine guidance in carrying them out. For example, I receive a call from the High School that my teenage son has been kicked out of the school for cheating. What is my paradigm going to be? This son belongs to belongs to Heavenly Father. He has given me a stewardship to bring him into the world and help him return home. Heavenly Father has all the solutions to all problems, therefore, I will turn to Him for guidance. As I pray, I seek to get the beam out of my own eye, so I can be an instrument in the hands of Heavenly Father, who is concerned about this son.
If I am temporally focused, when the high school calls, I would do an upset by focusing on what my son did wrong, my embarrassment as a parent, and then I would try to make the son feel the same as I feel. Since I have lost the Spirit, when the son walks in I will reject him by preaching to him. All of which is destructive for the short term and the long term relationship.
My neighbor borrowed my lawnmower, and when he returned it I discovered it no longer is working. Since I see all things spiritually, I know that this is an opportunity for me to grow spiritually. I see the lawn mower as belonging to Heavenly Father, therefore, I immediately pray about this situation. You see, it makes no difference to me whether we fix His lawn mower from His funds in my bank account, or if we use the funds from the neighbors account. If I initially do an upset (temporal focus), the first requirement is for me to get the beam out of my eye. Once I have no need to correct the neighbor, the Lord may inspire me to approach the neighbor to see if he will accept responsibility to repair it. If the neighbor says yes, all is well. If the neighbor says no, I am prepared to handle that response, because I have no need to win.
Some people would question this approach by saying, "But you are not teaching your neighbor to accept responsibility for his actions. You are letting others use you."
The response to that statement, is one of spiritual focus. Everything that happens to me is designed for my spiritual growth. Once I learn to handle any event, circumstance as Christ would, then I am prepared to help others in their stewardships, if so directed by Heavenly Father. By the same token, if the neighbor wanted to borrow Heavenly Father's lawn mower again, I would seek divine guidance, since I am accountable to Him in how I carry out my several stewardships.
Most people have no problem giving the Bishop the money to fix the Wards lawn mower if so asked (and if they have the money). Even if the reason it needed repairing, is because the same neighbor who borrowed and is responsible for its not working. Why doesn't this seem to bother me as much as when the neighbor borrowed my lawn mower? IT IS CALLED STEWARDSHIP. The wards lawn mower belongs to the Lord. My lawn mower belongs to me. If you ruin something that belongs to me, you must pay! Why? Because if I let you get away with it, I lose and you win. And I do not like to lose.
When I do it the Lord's way, I always win. Even if the neighbor doesn't decide to repair it and I have to do it, I still win. How? The neighbor won temporally and I won spiritually. I use the problem to pray, to seek Heavenly Fathers help, and to carry out the assignment to glorify Him. I did not let the neighbor's attitude or decisions divert me from a spiritual focus. I am able to rejoice, regardless of the outcome because I was steadfast in Christ during the entire interaction. It was a spiritual growth experience for me. By the same token, the neighbor lost spiritually because he did not choose to use the situation to grow spiritually. He only saw the situation temporally.
Some years ago, a good friend of mine went home teaching, him and his companion arrived on time after parking the car in the driveway. When inside, the brother asked if we could watch their son while he ran over to the church to get his wife. A few moments later, he came upstairs with some excitement. He was so embarrassed, because he had electronically lifted the garage door and as he drove his four wheel drive vehicle into the smaller ford escort parked in the driveway.
He said, "Brother Cox, I am so sorry for smashing your car. I didn't see it. I did not know it was behind my car." My friend replied, "Brother I do not have a car, you did not hit my car."
It took him a few moments to remember the many discussions they had had on seeing all things spiritually and on the subject of stewardships. You see, he had no emotional attachment to that car, since he had already resolved the issue that it was Heavenly Father's car. He had accepted a stewardship assignment to take care of it for Him, but He could let anyone run into it that He wanted. Heavenly Father could have inspired my friend to park it on the street, but He did not.
He also believe that this accident was for his spiritual growth. Heavenly Father allowed it to happen to he would handle the event. This was my opportunity to see if he really believed in the law of consecration and stewardship. He was able to rejoice from this accident because from the time the car was hit, and through the process of repairing it and getting the insurance company to pay and our only having one car for a time, he kept spiritually focused. What a great laboratory this earth life is for us all learn how to overcome the world by being steadfast in Christ.
Or how can one at least make the day worthwhile without walking with an eye of faith? The car incident mentioned above was worthwhile because of seeing it spiritually from when it all began until it was over and resolved. If my good friend would have been temporally centered, the accident would have been a burden on him.
Orsan Pratt said, "Covetousness is that which leads to ownership." (J.D. 126:5) If one takes ownership for his children, his spouse, his finances, his mind, his body, and his happiness, he has chosen to rely on himself for their achievement. His focus becomes temporal. There may be some spiritual seeking, but the load is on the man. He sees his happiness, his success, his very life, dependant upon temporal achievements.
If man recognizes that he is a steward over these areas of life, then he will focus unto the spiritual world for instruction, guidance, and strength. For it was never intended that man should walk alone upon this earth. It is the Savior's mission to help us overcome this world and gain eternal life.
A person who yells at his family has an ownership problem. When his children perform well, he is proud, and he feels he had done well as a parent. When the child does poorly, he feels worthless, upset, and condemns himself for not being a good parent. A parent who sees the child as a stewardship assignment will feel bad when the child makes a mistake, but then he prays to get himself in tune to carry out the stewardship assignment of helping the child learn from his mistakes. Since he has chosen to be steadfast in Christ, he is able to truly help the child have learning experience and grow spiritually from the event.