Thursday, May 16, 2013

Habit #3 Charity

With this habit you will be able to transform temporal activities into activities for spiritual growth. Practice doing each event and project of the day out of the love you feel for Heavenly Father and the Savior. A. Example: Today you decide to do the following: Events & Projects 1. Prepare breakfast lunch and dinner for family. 2. Wash and dry clothes. 3 Pull the weeds in the yard. 4. Visit an elderly neighbor. Spiritual Purpose I will do these activities for Heavenly Father and Savior because I love them. They have asked me to let my light so shine to glorify them. I will pray over each event so I can represent them as they would have me do. B. Record the results of each day as you seek to accomplish many things for Heavenly Father and the Savior. Notice the results when you do an activity with a spiritual focus and when you do an activity with a temporal focus. The difference will be self evident. C. The Savior taught in John 15:5 that with out Him, we could do nothing. If one chooses to do his daily work for Heavenly Father, two pay envelopes will be filled. One with a temporal pay check and the other will be filled with spiritual treasures. That is, one will draw closer to Heavenly Father- he will be more sensitive to spiritual promptings- he will enjoy his work more, and the temporal pressures will be reduced, to name a few blessings. If one chooses to do his daily work because he knows that it is the right thing to do, he will receive the pay check, and a good feeling that he is doing that which is right. But most of the spiritual growth will not occur because he was mostly temporally centered throughout each day.

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