Saturday, July 13, 2013


From thought pattern #9 we learned how to focus on the sin or mistake to create worldy sorrow, therefore, it is sin centered. Now we will learn how to create Godly Sorrow by focusing on the atonement of Christ, which is Christ centered.

Worldly Sorrow = Temporal focus = Sin Centered

Godly Sorrow =  Spiritual Focus = Christ Centered

President Ezra Taft Benson explains this Christ centeredness, which is required for full repentance.

"Therefore, repentance means more than simply a reformation of behavior. Many men and women in the world demonstrate great willpower and self discipline in overcoming bad habits and the weaknesses of the flesh. Yet at the same time they give no thought to the master, sometimes even openly rejecting Him. Such changes of behavior, even if in a positive direction, do not constitute true repentance.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation."
(Ensign, Oct. 1989, p. 2)

President Benson defines worldly sorrow & Godly Sorrow:

"...the fourth concept I would like to stress is what the scriptures term "godly sorrow" for our sins. It is not uncommon to find men and women in the world who feel remorse for the things they do wrong. Sometimes this is because their actions cause them or loves ones great sorrow and misery. Sometimes their sorrow is caused because they are caught and punished for their actions. Such worldly feelings do not constitute "godly sorrow."

For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10)

In both of these scriptures, godly sorrow is defined as a sorrow that leads us to repentance.

Godly sorrow is a gift of the Spirit. It is a deep realization that our actions have offended our Father and our God. It is the sharp and keen awareness that our behavior caused the Savior, he who knew no sin, even the greatest of all, to endure agony and suffering. Our sins caused Him to bleed at every pore. This very real mental and spiritual anguish is what the scriptures refer to as having a broken heart and a contrite spirit.  Such a spirit is the absolute pre-requisite for true repentance. ."
President Ezra T. Benson, Ensign, Oct. 1989, p. 4)

SORROW FOR WHAT CHRIST went through my sins is the key step to feeling the joy that comes from being forgiven.

As I focus on the atonement of Christ, the dominating emotion that will be felt is LOVE.  As  I experience this very real mental and spiritual anguish for what the Savior went through for my sins, my capacity to feel His great love for me, personally, will be expanded.

As I expand my capacity to feel sorrow, I also expand my capacity to feel joy.
The deeper I feel Christ's pain and suffering for me, the greater joy I feel from this supreme act of love.

Experience the two levels of emotion from the Hymn, "I Stand All Amazed."

"I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified, that for me, a SINNER, HE SUFFERED, HE BLED AND DIED.

Friday, July 12, 2013


"Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy should, and with all thy mind. "

This is the first and great commandment.

The Savior repeats this commandment in our day:

"Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him." (D&C 59:5)


Bruce R. McConkie suggests the following:

"All thy heart with perfect sincerity and uprightness, not dividing one's devotion, but having it centered totally in Deity.
All thy soul with utmost fervor...thus love is to come from the whole being, from the inner man as well as the temporal being.
All thy mind with intelligence and sense as distinguished from blind and unthinking devotion; with enlightened reason as distinguished from mystical and incomprehensible worship.
All thy strength with might, power, and intensity; with all the energy of one's being.
(Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:610)


It would be easier to master the body, and overcome the world. It would be easier to use the enticements, adversities, events and projects for spiritual progression. When my teenage son or daughter is in trouble at school, at church or with the law, my feelings of social embarrassment are transcended by my feelings of love for God and the spiritual worth of the child. It would be easier to do what Elder Nelson counseled.:
"Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love. It is a natural response in complete accord with divine commandment: "Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die."  (D&C 42:45) In speaking at a funeral of a loved one, the Prophet Joseph Smith offered this admonition: "When we lose a near and dear friend, upon whom we have set our hearts, it should be a caution unto us...Our affections should be placed upon God and His work, more intensely that upon our fellow beings." (ToPJS, p. 21)


If Heavenly Father was the centered of my life, it would be easier to increase my hope to be raised unto eternal life by seeking to feel the Spirit. It would be easier to exercise faith in Christ by focusing throughout the day one on one of His truths until it became rooted within me. It would be easier to do every event, project, and activity of the day to glorify my Father in Heaven. And I would see to it that I enjoyed the day, or at least, made it worthwhile.


"And the second is LIKE UNTO IT.   Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."


It refers to the first commandment, to love God with perfect love. That is, to love Him with ALL my heart, soul, might, mind and strength. And in order to love my neighbor with perfect love, I need to feel God's perfect love for me. Hence, thought pattern #2 was outlined to help me create the thoughts and feelings necessary to feel His perfect love, and remove any barriers between us and Heavenly Father.
It is critical that one understands the importance of the sequence found in this scripture. To love Heavenly Father with all one's heart requires all barriers be removed. By so doing, one can have maximum access to feel in His perfect love. The more one can feel his perfect love, the more he can feel the same perfect love for others. These feelings of love come though a spiritual focus.

"...and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer..."
(Moroni 8:26)

Monday, July 8, 2013


Examples of such conditions would be:

1. Getting the children to do chores around the house.

2. Getting children to come home on time.

3. Trying to get others to like me.

4. Getting a child to stop smoking, or taking drugs.

5. Reading scriptures as a family.

The above activities are all good, but the reasons for doing the activity is what is being questioned.
Are we doing the activity so I can feel I am fulfilling my duty as a parent? Is doing the activity more important than the relationship? Am I using the activity for my spiritual growth or only to teach another member of the family to be responsibility?

Let us look at getting our children to make their beds, or wash the dishes or mow the lawn. Below are some considerations for successful home management.

A. Determine the main outcome desired.

1. Is it to build a better relationship with the child?
2. Is it to get the child to do his or her share of the work?
3. Is it to teach the child to be responsible?
4. Is it to carry out a stewardship assignment for Heavenly Father?
5. Is it to help me feel better as a parent?

Your main desired outcome will become evident when the activity is not done by the child. If you feel the child is not respecting you, then the outcome was for the child to respect you by doing what you requested. If you get mad when the work is not done, then your main reason for the activity is to make you feel better as a parent, or to get the cild to do his or her share of the work. If you feel you are losing and the child is winning then your main purpose is to win. If you are choosing to put eh child down for neglecting the assignment, then your goal was to make yourself feel good by the child's activity. And since you feel let down,  you are putting the child down, so he or she can feel miserable like you.

B. Examine your expectations.

1. I expect that each child will do what we all agreed upon and do it with a good attitude.
2. I do not expect this will cause me more work, but less work.
3. I expect this will bring about more harmony and joy in our home.

C. Set up the conditions so you as a parent and the child always win, even if the activity is not done. 

Application:  The father and mother, along with the seven children met on a Sunday evening at a family council.  They discussed the idea of the importance of making the beds each day, and cleaning the bedrooms once a week. With some discussion and selling, on the parents part, all agreed to fulfill the request.

The parents paradigm and expectations:

1. Making beds is a parent problem, not a child's. The children have no need to have the beds made each day. Therefore, if a bed is made, the child is helping the parent to feel better.
2. Getting the family to make the beds is to  build better relationships between the parents and the children.
3. As parents we will need to be spiritually focused in order to carry this out as the Lords would want us to carry it out.
4. Our expectations  are that no beds will be made this week at all.
5. This will take effort since some will not have a good attitude about this assignment.

The Father Reported:

The next morning after prayer and breakfast, the children left early for morning seminary. I went downstairs to check the beds. On the way down, I prayed.  "Father, I do not expect any beds to be made. Please help me to make this a good experience for my spiritual growth and to build a good relationship with these Thy children." I found that two beds were made and five were not. I rejoiced. I couldn't believe it. Why? Because I did not expect any beds to be made. Therefore, I did not feel let down, but lifted up. Next, I made the fie beds for Heavenly Father, which helped me to solve my problem (I wanted the beds to be made each day), and it helped me to focus spiritually. When the children came home that evening, my wife had some cookies ready to celebrate the making of two beds. we congratulated the two children and let them have first pice of the cookies. Then the other children were invited to participate.  No word was said to those not making their beds. This ended up being a win/win situation. The children felt good about the event.  The father felt good about having all the beds made and carrying out the stewardship pleasing unto Heavenly Father.

THE RULE:  Emphasize that which you want duplicated.

If you preach to those who do not make their beds, you are emphasizing that which you do not want duplicated. You are also disowning. For you have created the negative emotions (disappointment) within your temple, and now you are trying to get the children to feel responsible for your negative feelings. You are rejecting them, putting them down for not keeping their commitments. You knew in the beginning that they did not have any need for the beds to be made. Plus, you set yourself up to be disappointment by expecting them all seven beds to be made. Your expectations set you up to only see the made beds. When some beds were not made, you felt let down and hence the feelings of disappointment. Next, you told yourself that the children were responsible for these negative feelings and as a responsible parent you need to teach them a lesson.

Keep in mind that this stewardship assignment was for your spiritual growth and you would accomplish that by carrying it out for the Lord.  You allowed the 'beam' in your eye to keep you from turning unto Heavenly Father for wisdom and strength to carry this out for Him. You chose to focus on the 'mote' in your children's eye, and left the 'beam' in your own. This ended up being a lose/lose situation. The children did not feel good about the event, and the father lost the Spirit in preaching to his children. And the worst part of is that the father did not know that he had the power to make it a win/win situation.

Sunday, July 7, 2013



1. My Grandmother is not happy in the nursing home.

2. The children at church do not like my daughter.

3. The judge is holding me responsible for what my son did.

4. The Banker is mad for my not paying the loan back.

5. Brother so and so doesn't like me.

6. The teacher at school calls about my child not minding her.

In each of the above examples someone has a problem and is trying to get me to solve his or her problem. My grandmother has a problem, she is not happy. My daughter has a problem with rejection, as do some of the children at church. The judge doesn't like my son's behavior. My son has a problem with the consequences from his choices. The banker wants the money back. Brother so and so is hurting inside and the school teacher cannot get this child to mind.

In each of the examples mentioned above, describe the solution in terms of presiding over one's temple, and the stewardship responsibility of others. The four steps outlined below may be helpful.

My first step is to counsel myself with the truth, which is, I cannot solve anyone else's problems. I am not the solution, Heavenly Father is the source for solving all problems.

Secondly, I must recognize that the other person's choices contributed to the problem, causing some of their pain and suffering.

Thirdly, since most people like to disown, each is trying to get me to accept responsibility for all the consequences, and to solve the problem so they will not have to do anything.

Fourth step, I do recognize a stewardship opportunity and even a responsibility in some cases.

For example, the banker lent me the money without getting adequate collateral to recover his money. My grandmother was not happy before she went into nursing home and my visiting her will not make her happy now.
The children at church have not developed the capacity to love all people, including my daughter. My daughters main source of feelings of self worth is coming from others. My son doesn't equate his choices to the penalties he has been given and the judge cannot figure out how to correct disruptive behavior. Brother so and so doesn't feel perfect love for himself, let alone me. The school teacher hasn't developed the relationship with this child, or she is trying to control her through her voice, or through rejecting her, or through intimidation.


In each case, I do have a stewardship opportunity, which can help me love and serve Heavenly Father as aI love and serve others. For example:

The Banker: I did borrow the money. I did promise to pay it on a timer basis. But all did not work out as I had planned. The banker wants his money now. He may accuse me of being a dishonest high priest. All of which are consequences from my not keeping my promises.

What is the solution? To condemn myself? To get depressed? To tell myself that I am no good? To tell myself that I shouldn't have borrowed the money? No. All of these statements help to just expand the problem because it sustains a temporal focus. I need to repent and enter the spiritual world in order to find the solution.

1. I must recognize that I have made a serious mistake. I have made promises and have failed to keep them. I have not represented the Lord Correctly.

2. I then seek to be forgiven by heavenly Father and to get his Spirit back into my life. I cannot overcome this without Him.

3. I will apologize to the banker for not keeping my promises.

4. Finally, I will seek spiritual help to find ways to earn more money, so I can repay the loan. All of which will help me to grow spiritually, as I seek and receive spiritual help to meet my obligations.


I accept the consequences for my choices, and then seek to use these consequences to grow spiritually. Some of the consequences are as follows:

1. the banker will continue to cal and ask for his money.
2. He will treat me like I am a dishonest person, that my word is not good and that I am not trustworthy.
3. My relationship with him will be damaged.
4. My credit will be damaged.
5. Others will learn of my failure to pay the debt.
6. Others may condemn me for not keeping my promises.

These consequences are mine. I fully qualified for them. My choices have brought them into my life, but as I repent, the Saviors atonement has paid for my mistakes in full. My salvation will not be hindered from this mistake. In fact, as I make restitution, my spiritual growth will continue to be on schedule for exaltation.


"I know that every difficulty we face in life, even those that come from own negligence or even transgression, can be turned by the Lord into growth experiences, a virtual ladder upward."
(Elder Scott, Ensign, May 1996, p. 26)

When if comes to my grandmother, my daughter, or my son's problems, I can be a comfort, a support, and a light unto them. This is the best way to serve my Heavenly Father, by helping him with these sons and daughters of His. I recognize that I am not their solution, but I can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Each may try to convince me that I am their solution, but I know better. Heavenly Father is their only solution. The gospel is the solution. I can help give priesthood blessings, counsel them and just listen. But in the end, their inner peace and happiness must come from above. even their pain and suffering can be for their good, if it draws them closer to Heavenly Father and the Savior.

The school teacher has a problem which she must solve. She can meet with my daughter to build that relationship for respect. She can meet with me to see if I have any suggestions for her and my daughter. The three of us can meet to see what can be done. But in the end, the teacher has to find ways to solve her problem. If my daughter has a problem with this teacher, then she will also need to find a solution. My input is one of a stewardship assignment, that is, to pray and try to help others solve their problems.


Lehi and Sariah had trouble with Laman and Lemuel. 
Adam and Eve had a problem with Cain killing his brother and most of their children choosing darkness rather than light.
Our Heavenly Parents even lost a third of their children in the premortal life. They all carried out their stewardship assignments well, but they did not have the power to determine what each child would do with that knowledge. Nephi, Sam and Jacob were taught the same principles as Laman and Lemuel, and they chose to implement these gospel teachings into their daily thinking. Again, that was Nephi, Sam and Jacob's choice and not the choice of the parents.
Carrying out my stewardship assignment the Lord's way requires accountability, but also provides the way to save all my children. "Verily, I say unto you, that which is governed by law is also preserved by law and perfected and sanctified by the same." (D&C 88:34)


The good news is that those parents who have been sealed in the temple have been given the pwer to bring all their children unto the celestial kingdom.

Elder Packer counsels parents in his cinference talk entitled, "The Measure of a Successful Parent." (Ensign, May 1992, p. 68)
 "It is a great challenge to raise a family in the darkening mists of our moral environment. We emphasize that the greatest work you will do will be within the walls of your home (see Harold B. Lee, Ensign, July 1973, p. 98), and that “no other success can compensate for failure in the home” (David O. McKay, Improvement Era, June 1964, p. 445).

 The measure of our success as parents, however, will not rest solely on how our children turn out. That judgment would be just only if we could raise our families in a perfectly moral environment, and that now is not possible. It is not uncommon for responsible parents to lose one of their children, for a time, to influences over which they have no control. They agonize over rebellious sons or daughters.

They are puzzled over why they are so helpless when they have tried so hard to do what they should. It is my conviction that those wicked influences one day will be overruled.

 “The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught a more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity.

Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God.” (Orson F. Whitney, in Conference Report, Apr. 1929, p. 110.) 

We cannot overemphasize the value of temple marriage, the binding ties of the sealing ordinance, and the standards of worthiness required of them. When parents keep the covenants they have made at the altar of the temple, their children will be forever bound to them. President Brigham Young said: “Let the father and mother, who are members of this Church and Kingdom, take a righteous course, and strive with all their might never to do a wrong, but to do good all their lives; if they have one child or one hundred children, if they conduct themselves towards them as they should, binding them to the Lord by their faith and prayers, I care not where those children go, they are bound up to their parents by an everlasting tie, and no power of earth or hell can separate them from their parents in eternity; they will return again to the fountain from whence they sprang.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols., 2:90–91.)

Therefore, it appears that parents have the power within themselves to save their children. This is not done by controlling the child, but by controlling their own inner worlds. It is done by becoming spiritually centered and carrying out the stewardship assigment for Heavenly Father. This takes the power from the child's performances and returns it completely in the hands of each parent.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Including the following:

1. My children
2. My spouse
3. My neighbors
4. My parents
5. My grandparents
6. Any other person

 As a temple president, I am accountable for what happens within my temple, that is, what I see, think, feel and do I am not accountable for what other people do within their temples.


There is a big difference in carrying out a stewardship, as compared to accepting responsibility for what my children decide to think, feel and/or do. When a child is caught stealing, he is accountable for that choice not the parent. How the parent handles this situation falls under stewardship accountability, as well as what the parent has taught the child.


 1. Teach my children. "And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hNoands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the head of the parents....And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord." (D&C 68:25-28)

 2. To bring them up in light & truth. "But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth." (D&C 93:40)

 3. To influence them in righteousness. "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned: By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile. Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love towards him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy:" (D&C 121:41-43)


Each person can sen out love, firmness, kindness, tenderness, justice, mercy, patience and respect. In fact, each person will be judged by what they send out, and not by what others send to them. "For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again, and be restored; (Alma 41:15)

"Therefore, my son, see that you are merciful unto your brethren; deal justly, judge righteously, and do good continually; and if ye do all these things then shall ye receive your reward; yea, ye shall have mercy restored unto you again; ye shall have justice restored unto again; ye shall have a righteous judgement restored unto you again; and ye shall have good rewarded unto you again." (Alma 41:14)

Is it possible to be overcome with positive feelings for a child who just told you a lie?   YES


By seeing that child as a child of God, born and reared in the courts of glory by Heavenly Parents. See them being exalted along with your entire family. See them dressed in temple clothing and being welcomed by the Savior into His Presence to never to go out. Thank Heavenly Father for giving you this opportunity to grow spiritually.

See this event as one that is for your spiritual growth. Accept the fact that the Lord knew this was going to happen, and it was allowed to occur for you and your child's growth and development.

Keep in mind that the 'power of Christ' is manifested in each adversity and enticement, and that my steadfastness in Christ can release this power to help you carry out this stewardship successfully. By doing the above, you will send out that which is good. You are not in charge of what others send out to you, only what you send out. Hence, the plea for each of us is to pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you. Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you. Love your enemies. (3 Nephi 12:44)

 My exaltation is not based upon other people liking me, but on how I feel about others. Especially those who do not perform well, and do not treat me kindly or respectfully.

Friday, July 5, 2013

ALMA'S PROCESS to become one with Christ, Exercising my Faith to Know the Seed is Good.

SEE AS HE SEES - Understand the Truth:

a. For each of the next seven days, review this section on: "I am in charge of what I think, feel and do."

b. Understand what it means to be free, to be a worthy temple president, how to keep from giving this power to others.

c. Understand the role of your expectations and how they affect your daily life.

THINK AS HE THINKS - Hold the truth in your mind and heart by prayer, throughout the day.

a. Several times a day ask Heavenly Father to help you keep the 'shield of faith' up. Use your problems to practice keeping the 'shield up.

b. Practice changing your expectations, and thereby increasing your power to be free.

FEEL AS HE FEELS - Continue to pray about these truths until you receive a witness by the Spirit that each is good. 

1. "Father, I expect Johnny to make 10 mistakes today. Help me to see his great worth, as I keep the beam out of my own eye."

2. "Father, with Thy help, I am in charge of what I think, feel and do this day, this hour and this very moment."

3. "Father, I have given part of my agency to my son's behavior. Help me to use his behavior to draw closer unto Thee. I want to love him as Thou lovest him. I want to build a relationship so I can be a positive and spiritual resource unto him for Thee."

How Do I Take Back My Power Of Agency?

Step #1 Recognize that you have given your power of agency to others. That is, you have give to others, through expectations, the responsibility to solve my problems.

Step #2 Ask Heavenly Father to help you change your inner world tapes so you can take back control of your temple.

Step #3 Practice Praying throughout the day to change the old tapes to match the Saviors thought patterns.

Sample Prayer;

And finally, I am thrilled that I can choose to have a great day, or a sad day, or a worthwhile day , or a stressful day. I am in charge of what I will focus my mind and hear upon throughout the day. I am in charge (or can be) of seeing all things spiritually or just temporally.

I can decide to see the purpose of this day and the purpose of this earth life through my spiritual eyes, and therefore, become empowered to use the day for spiritual growth. I can decide to use the day to play the old tapes (natural man's though patterns) or to replace them with Christ's though patterns. I am in charge of whether I will do all things out of the love I have for Heavenly Father or whether I will let the temporal world tell me what to do and how to feel.

The Savior's atonement has made me free to choose what I will see, think, feel and do this day, this hour and this moment. I have the power to change the old tapes which are resulting in my counseling myself with untruths and bringing about much of my own misery. I want to be happy, so I have to decide to change the tapes to match the Savior's thought patterns and experience the results. As I seek solutions through the spiritual world, the heavens now become available to helping me today and I never will be left alone.

Changing Ones Expectations

Another way to stop giving others the power to control me is by CHANGING MY EXPECTATIONS.

Principle: On reoccurring events, change your expectation, then use the events for your own spiritual growth.


Driving in Traffic

Old Expectation: All drivers will signal, drive responsible and give me the right of way.

New Expectation: No one will signal or drive respectfully nor give me the right of way, no, not one. 

My new expectation for Spiritual Growth:

Suggested Use #1 As I drive to work, my expectations determine what will get my attention. Since I expect no one, not one person to be courteous, those who do will catch my attention.

Suggested Use #2 As I drive to work this morning I will practice keeping the "shield of faith" up to keep the fiery darts of the adversary from creating a beam in my eyes.

How does one keep the "shield of faith" up?

By focusing the mind and heart spiritually focused through prayer, expecting enticements/ adversities, and practicing using them for spiritual steadfastness, so the enticements of rude drivers will not put a beam in my inner world.

Anytime you get hooked by the world, it is your expectations that are keeping the "shield" down. For example, if you get hooked by something your child does or does not do, you will find that your expectations could be:
"My child will not make any mistakes today."

As you change your expectations to something more realistic, the day will go better.

For example: "I expect my child to make 5 mistakes today. Help me Father to use his/her mistakes to draw closer unto Thee and then serve Thee by helping Thy child to come with solutions to their problems and challenges faced throughout life."