Friday, July 5, 2013

ALMA'S PROCESS to become one with Christ, Exercising my Faith to Know the Seed is Good.

SEE AS HE SEES - Understand the Truth:

a. For each of the next seven days, review this section on: "I am in charge of what I think, feel and do."

b. Understand what it means to be free, to be a worthy temple president, how to keep from giving this power to others.

c. Understand the role of your expectations and how they affect your daily life.

THINK AS HE THINKS - Hold the truth in your mind and heart by prayer, throughout the day.

a. Several times a day ask Heavenly Father to help you keep the 'shield of faith' up. Use your problems to practice keeping the 'shield up.

b. Practice changing your expectations, and thereby increasing your power to be free.

FEEL AS HE FEELS - Continue to pray about these truths until you receive a witness by the Spirit that each is good. 

1. "Father, I expect Johnny to make 10 mistakes today. Help me to see his great worth, as I keep the beam out of my own eye."

2. "Father, with Thy help, I am in charge of what I think, feel and do this day, this hour and this very moment."

3. "Father, I have given part of my agency to my son's behavior. Help me to use his behavior to draw closer unto Thee. I want to love him as Thou lovest him. I want to build a relationship so I can be a positive and spiritual resource unto him for Thee."

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