Friday, July 5, 2013

Changing Ones Expectations

Another way to stop giving others the power to control me is by CHANGING MY EXPECTATIONS.

Principle: On reoccurring events, change your expectation, then use the events for your own spiritual growth.


Driving in Traffic

Old Expectation: All drivers will signal, drive responsible and give me the right of way.

New Expectation: No one will signal or drive respectfully nor give me the right of way, no, not one. 

My new expectation for Spiritual Growth:

Suggested Use #1 As I drive to work, my expectations determine what will get my attention. Since I expect no one, not one person to be courteous, those who do will catch my attention.

Suggested Use #2 As I drive to work this morning I will practice keeping the "shield of faith" up to keep the fiery darts of the adversary from creating a beam in my eyes.

How does one keep the "shield of faith" up?

By focusing the mind and heart spiritually focused through prayer, expecting enticements/ adversities, and practicing using them for spiritual steadfastness, so the enticements of rude drivers will not put a beam in my inner world.

Anytime you get hooked by the world, it is your expectations that are keeping the "shield" down. For example, if you get hooked by something your child does or does not do, you will find that your expectations could be:
"My child will not make any mistakes today."

As you change your expectations to something more realistic, the day will go better.

For example: "I expect my child to make 5 mistakes today. Help me Father to use his/her mistakes to draw closer unto Thee and then serve Thee by helping Thy child to come with solutions to their problems and challenges faced throughout life."

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