Saturday, March 14, 2009


Step #1 - Understanding the Truth: (See as He sees)
a. Review the Scriptures on the plan of salvation
b. Decide for which kingdom you want to qualify
c. Determine the importance of the Spirit in increasing your hope to be raised unto Eternal Life
d. Make a list of the gifts & promises of eternity

Step #2 - Hold the truth in your mind, by prayer, throughout the day: (think as He thinks)
a. Several times a day, talk with Heavenly Father about the plan of salvation and its truthfulness. i.e., "Father, I am so grateful for the atonement of Christ. Because of it, I am able to receive Thy gifts, which are te greatest gifts that could be bestowed upon me. Help me to walk in Thy path and enjoy the day."

Step #3 - Continue to pray about these truths until you receive a witness by the Spirit that they are good: (feel as He feels)
a. Seek to fell the Spirit confirm this truth, and your being on schedule for the Celestial Kingdom
b. You will feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourself -it must needs be that this is a good seed, for it beginneth to
1. enlarge my soul
2. Yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding
3. yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

i.e., you will feel joy as you pray about these truths of the gospel. Your mind will expand and you will see things with increased light, and the more you exercise your faith in this process it becomes easier & more enjoyable (delicious)

Step #4 -Do as he does:
a. Pray first thing in the morning to become spiritually centered
b. Read the scriptures for the purpose of enlightenment
c. See yourself receiving the gifts & promises of eternity
d. Pray several times each day, experessing your gratitude, about being on schedule for the Celestial Kingdom
e. Do these faith exercises out of the love you feel for Heavenly Father & the Savior

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