Look at the Following Questions with regards to the Plan of Salvation:
What did I learn from the pre-mortal existence? -who I am, I kept my first estate. I qualified to come to the promise land.
Why did I come to earth? 1. to gain a body, and 2. to determine which kingdom where I will spend in eternity.
What is the most important thing for me to accomplish upon this earth?
Which kingdom is the hardest to obtain and which is the easiest? -the outer darkness is almost impossible to obtain. The telestial kingdom is the next hardest, followed by the terrestrial. The easiest kingdom for which to qualify is the Celestial.
Why is the telestial kingdom hard? -one has to sin and continue in sin and never really repent. This would require one to kill people or abuse others, lie, cheat and steal. Walking in spiritual darkness would become acceptable and experiencing deep feelings of love would be abandoned, and one would evetually become "past feelings." Next this person gets to go through the burning program when the Sacior comes, and gets to go to spirit prison for 1000 years, and go through some group therapy. At the end of the 1000 years he now recieves a telestial body and gets to participate in a battle with Satan and his angels. After the battle he is invited into the telestial glory. None of these experiences sound appealing nor easy to me.
Why is the celestial kingdom the easiest? -as one comes to know that Joseph Smith is a prophet, the Book of Mormon is true, and that Jesus is the Christ, one repents, is baptized, and recieves forgiveness of his sins by fire and the Holy Ghost. One is now justified to come back into the presence of God. He is clean and forgiven, numbered among the righteous. All because of the atoning sacrifice of the Savior. One has qualified for this gift of forgiveness. Next he is asked to walk in the strait & narrow path each day, feasting upon the words of Christ, and seeking to become one with the Savior. For this commitment and daily focus he receives the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and the angels in heaven will watch over him. He is able to grow in love and righteousness while he he is overcoming this world. He will receive revelations to guide him and peace in his daily walk while qualifying for the riches of eternity. He comes to love walking in the light. His hope to be raised unot eternal life increases, and he knows the path he is on is acceptable to Heavenly Father. He listens intently to the living prophets, for he knows that they have the vision and understanding of the purposes of what is taking place and will take place in this world. He knows that all things happening around him is designed for his spiritual growth and development. He is happy nad joyous and is able to use each day for spiritual progression. He is favored of God and has the faith and confidence to be of service to God for his fellowman.
"Do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way." (Alma 37:46)
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