IT IS EASY - Just create a dependancy upon the World to make you feel of value.
You may use any of the following for your main source(s).
(However, some of these sources you believe in more than others & therefore, those sources will work much faster for you. Why? Because you have greater emotion attached to them, and you can maximize these negative feelings very quickly)
PERFORMANCE (weight-job-children-marriage)
1. When you gain 20 lbs, use this to make yourself feel of lesser of value
2. When you lose 20 lbs, use this to make yourself feel of greater value
3. When you lose your job, or get a promotion, use it to create feelings of worth
4. Use your children's performance (good or bad). This is a good source.
5. Use your divorce or your good marriage as a source for worth.
POSSESSIONS (bills-home-car-clothes)
1. When you cannot pay your bills, use these negative emotions to create low feelings of self worth. This is an effective source.
2. When you have a new home, or a new car, or new clothes, use these good feelings to confirm that you are a person of great worth.
3. Or if your home is the poorest on the block. Your car keeps quitting on you. And your clothes are never as nice as others. Use these feelings to determine your worth.
OPINIONS (approval-acceptance-appreciation)
1. Making other people your main source to determine your worth, is one of the greatest sources to create low feelings of self worth. Why? It creates a dependency upon the world (others) to make you feel of worth. And with that dependency, Satan can send people to find fault with your performance, or to have people not pay any attention to you.
2. Appreciation for what I do helps me determine if I will serve others or not. If someone appreciates my service I will continue. If they do not, I quit. Therefore, I let others determine what I will or will not do.
HONORS (positions-degrees-profession)
1. If I am not called to be Bishop, or quorum president, or Relief Society officer I feel that even Heavenly Father feels I am not as valuable as others. These kind of feelings are very good to transfer over to determine my value.
2. Or if I am called to leadership assignment, I use these feelings of acceptance to determine my worth.
3. If others look up to my chosen profession or look down upon my profession, these kinds of feelings will work.
4. If I am not a college graduate, I can create negative feelings about my intelligence and abilities an then use these feelings to value myself.
5. If I have several degrees and many of my colleagues recognize my expertise in my chosen field, I can use these feelings to sustain my value.
6. If I can talkl & think faster than most other people, I can create feelings of superiority which can sustain my value as a person of worth.
It makes no difference whether one uses the positive feelings from these sources to create good feelings of worth, or chooses to use the negative feelings from these sources to create bad feelings of self worth. Why? Because the main source for self feelings comes from the temporal world, and not from the spiritual.
"How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek noth te honour that cometh from God only?" (John 5:44)
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